Foundational Writing for coaches,,,

Worried about what sets you apart, how to explain your journey into coaching, how to articulate your vision, your why, and who you work with? Let’s write our way to a thriving coaching practice! Most of my clients are leadership and executive coaches, and I have spent prolly more time than anyone thinking about how writing can set the foundations for your work. Let’s dive in!

This workshop is for all levels–whether you’re just getting started as a coach or have been coaching for years. Expect lively group discussion and support from other coaches in finding your niche and articulating the relationship and the journey you offer.

Week 1: Foundations

Client as reader, mood and metaphor, recreating space 

Week 2: Philosophy

Approach, positioning, client journey

Week 3: What’s your story? Week 1:

Gathering the elements

Week 4: What’s your story? Week 2:

Crafting your bio

Week 5: Presentations

Share your coaching foundations with your new community!