you are a writer


Essay Archive

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Essay Archive • click to read •

You’ve been writing forever… but no one’s ever seen it.

You enjoy writing for work… but you’ve always wanted to write for yourself. You have a book inside you… but it’s only made it out in notes and voice memos. You have ideas all the time… but never a finished piece. You produce pages and pages… but can’t bring yourself to organize or edit. You think about your writing all the time… but rarely put down any words.

This newsletter is for all of you who need to be reminded–no matter how long it’s been, no matter where or whether you ever publish, no matter how much you’ve hidden your creative self in the mirror or from the world, no matter how much you may struggle to value your own words, and when you can’t bear to say it to yourself… you are a writer! 

every week, through alternating longform essays, guides, and creative writing prompts, I just hope to remind you.

You can access the archive of essays and guides on the site here, and subscribe for free for weekly essays and creative writing prompts. full archive of prompts can be found on the substack page.