
Group work can be incredibly rewarding, offering opportunities and skills development that one-on-one work can’t. In group, we learn from each other, and we learn together. Every workshop participant receives direct feedback on their writing from me, while also learning to give and receive editorial feedback from each other. In every workshop, the group will also be learning to work with others, improving their reading and editing abilities on top of the core focus of the workshop. Come back soon for more on the workshops below and to sign up!

Final Fridays free writing workshop

Our workshop meets for a writing exercise, vibrant group discussion, and to share new writing in response to the weekly prompts I share through the You Are a Writer newsletter! This workshop takes place monthly at 12 Eastern on the final Friday of every month.


Understand and articulate your mood and methods, your client base, your philosophy, your crucial person story, and the journey you take your clients on. You might just unearth a passion for the craft that can take your coaching business far.

My First Poem

Hearing, reading, and enjoying poetry together, for non-fiction writers. NOT YOUR HIGH SCHOOL POETRY CLASS.

Good Edit

Becoming a great editor. We will learn together my process for editing other people’s work, what to look for, what to ask, how to read in 3D. For those who want to sharpen their editing skills, learn to become better editors of their own work, or get on the path to a professional editing career. No experience needed.


Break down the stories holding you back from full creative expression, and learn to write yourself becoming.